Women nag so much!! (D.Nuttz)

These days it is very hard to find a woman that truly wants to be with you for the man that you are. Women will stay with you because they see potential in you, and drag a relationship until it goes sour, that's when the nagging begins!!! Money is the main culprit for women to nag. It's O.K. for a women to not have any money in American society. She will not be looked at as a loser, or failure. On the other hand, a mans status depends on salary. Women stop taking everything on T.V., and movies for face value or you are sure to be unhappy!! The man you all describe has many women, because you all want him!!! Now what can you do to make his life happy? No matter how hard a man tries, makes moves, and put forth effort, a women will still nag him about money!!! I was in a six year relationship that I thought would last. The end result was me being as loser because I couldn't take care of her, like she wanted. Believe me there is no man out there that dreams about taking care of a women!! I tried so hard!! Just wasn't enough.
Attention is another cause for nagging. Fellas, no matter what you do, a women will never get enough attention. If you nag a man too much, he's gonna do the opposite of what your nagging about. So instead of nagging about being treated like a queen, try treating him like a king and see what happens!! I'm sick of women being made out to be such victims!! If you don't like the situation get out of it quick. Yall can go date as many men as you want free of charge, whereas a man has to spend money to date. Also men if you're being nagged too much, get out of the situation, because you will soon be replaced. Don't be like me; lonely while my ex is enjoying life dating different men. Keep some insurance (other women) so the transition will be smooth. I learned my lesson, and I don't think I'll ever be a one-woman man again!!! My ex told me to get my money right and maybe we can be together. What a joke. I'd rather be a gigolo!!


Anonymous said...

From personal experience when a woman constantly naggs she is unhappy about something. It maybe her man's fault or it maybe be the fault of envy. Allow me to explain, in my previous relationship and this is for all after this one, relationships are like jobs so we must have an evaluation period. When I asked my woman did I do anything that could be better she said no so I through some things out there and she said I was fine. So I told her about her negative attitude and that made her mad and she never tried to correct the problem. However I began hearing the nagging on various things and I asked why didn't you tell when I asked if I am doing something wrong. Her reply, I didn't think about it then. That is a total fallacy, things that bother women are always on their minds. Get it out in the open so we can correct it and move on. We are suppose to communicate correct?
Same woman different situation! Evny is a mutha, two of her friends were engaged and the other was married. So of course at 23 and she was 24 at the time I was getting pressured to get married. I told her straight up I am not ready and if your going to wait your going to be waiting for a while! Truth hurts but the truth will allow to accept the situation. I told her from the constant pressure that in a year both that were engaged won't be with their dudes and you don't hear about the problems with the one that is married because she stays in Ohio. Needless to say the two that were engaged are not anymore and the jury is still out on the married one. Stop trying to live your life as other people live their's and be thankful for what God has given you and he will continue to bless you.

onlyd said...

Nagging for me comes when something has been expressed numerous times and hasn't been heard. I'm a woman that will always be up front in a relationship. If I have a problem that I think will affect my relationship negatively in the future or present I'm going to make my man aware of it. I expect the same from him. In the 6 year relationship that I had yes he tried to get his finances in order but I was always the one to take care of all the things that he couldn't (on top of half and sometimes more of our bills). I saw him trying to get the money right but I also never seen a sacrifice from him in his habit. I like any woman like to shop and keep my hair done but I wasn't able to do the same sometimes. If you have no hair cut and I buy you clippers buy me some perm so I don't have naps. The biggest things I get frustrated with are the financial part in a relationship but #1 problem has to be communication. If you don't express yourself to your woman than you diffently don't hear her when she expresses herself to you (vice versa).
I admit I will nag a man but there has got to be a valid reason. Why do men expect a woman to be all loving with him if he doesn't even talk to her? You really think that I want to be laid up with you and we've been sitting next to each other for hours and you've barely spoken? I've ran my mouth trying to tell you about my day and you have no interest in me...and you think i'm not going to nag? Men please! Give a woman the same respect you expect. Please realize we watch your habits and if you are a mean person and we are w/ you and really love you that eventually we will become the same. You see, biblically we were made from a man (Adam's)rib to give support to his body. We were made connected to the spine that supports the neck which supports your head. Please realize that all women will nag if there is a reason...some don't need a reason...but please men hear the reason for the nagging. If you hear and solve that issue (if possible) see if your Queen continues to nag about the same things. See if your relationship gets better and communication starts flowing. Try listening to each other. Try opening up to each other.

Anonymous said...

Women nagging is like a cry for help. Not all women nag as much as others either. More Established women are more reserved and in control of themselves and their emotions to an extent. That's why there's been a large influx of younger men involved with older women, like usher, that find comfort in older women. Self Accountability for oneself is the answer. Women nag because thats what they do just like we watch sports its just about keeping it to yourself.