Why is Homosexuality being pushed on America? (B. Troye)

I was talking with a woman that I am dating and we saw the Mikey D’s commercial with the guy that is singing to the light skin chick. Her daughter came in and said the dude was gay from his mannerism and the tone of the commercial. I laughed and the woman told her daughter to stop saying that. So I asked her why, and she replied because Wanda Sykes and other gay people have urged people to stop using the phrase “that’s so gay”! Later she told me that she was joking but I don’t believe her! My point is this; if something is gay its gay, if something is fucked up it’s fucked up. I call a dog a dog not a cat! I am sick of homosexuals trying to push their sexual orientation off on the world. They are teaching about this bull in school, it’s all over the TV. How do you explain sex the a child that sees it at 8 but more importantly how do you answer a child's question about 2 dudes or 2 chicks at 8. Look I am truly happy that gay people aren’t afraid of being gay but do that over there or somewhere else. I am sick and tired of every time someone comes out of the closet its big news. Well I am heterosexual and I love vagina! I am coming out everyone tell the news that I am a hetero, since homosexuality gets pushed on us I am going to start pushing my heterosexuality on people every chance I get. If people don’t like it good because I am sick of homosexuality getting pushed on us!

What is the fate of the world if all these kids are doing each other and they are of the same sex?
One thing not only to gays but to everyone, the decisions you make effect more than just yourself.
You think your family really accepts you but they deal with you because they love you. You don’t see how hurt your parents are and they ask where they went wrong raising you. Trust me I have a gay girl cousin and I have a gay guy cousin that died from AIDS! In the bible it states that homosexuality is an abomination against God. For dudes that shit is just nasty if God wanted you to be a chick you would have a slit. Furthermore, chicks you will always be a chick stop trying to be boys. You will always have breast, a pussy and a period and last time I checked that was all women stuff. No matter how many people you do from the opposite sex you are what you were born to be! Am I gay bashing? Nope, I am truth telling! Moreover, I just think it’s a fad for all of you anyway but if it is a fad and you are a follower, you are going to follow down too many dark holes (pun intended) and come up with something you can’t get rid of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you. I'm sick of being force-fed gay acceptance too.