LORD HELP US!!! (D. Sunny)

ARE U SERIOUS?? In an abandon building on Detroit's west side police found the body of a homeless man encasted in 2-3 feet of ice. All but his legs were in a block of ice in the elevator shaft of the building near 14th and Michigan Ave, known as the Roosevelt Warehouse. It was said that this man had been there for at least a month. Police received a call from some dude that acted like he was another homeless man and friend of the decest but it turns out he was some guy that collected ice from the building last week so that he and his friends could play ice hockey. Are you that excited to play ice hockey that you can't take 5 minutes of your precious time to pick up your cell phone off your hip to call 911? This is ridiculous! I wouldn't let a cat freeze to death in Michigan weather. More than 1 and 50 people in Detroit are said to be homeless. Shelters are so packed that they may not a chair for you to sit let alone a spare bed. Ten percent of United States citizens are homeless. People loosing jobs on their way to the same...what is this world coming to. Did anyone read the story of the parents in California who decided to commit suicide and take their beautiful 5 children w/ them all because they lost their jobs. God Help Us!!

The Need For Real Men (L.Sleepe)

In my study of this subject I've come to many conclusions. Everyday I hear a woman stress the need for a real man! If your a female and your definition of a real man consist of some guy paying the bills, fixing your cars, handling physical altercations,etc., then you are sadly mistaken. If you are a male and your definition consist of being in control of everything, and everyone bowing to your will or violence will ensue, then your sadly mistaken.
A man is defined by several different things. I believe you cannot truly judge who is a ''man'' or ''woman'' until later in life because you are only as good as what you have come up against. The decisions YOU made in life. The actions YOU took in times of peace and war. Did you stand against adversity? Did you learn from your own mistakes? Where you a student, as well as, a teacher in life?
We as a whole must shape the ''man''. Women, instead of always complaining, take action. Teach the man you love proper ways to be a man, as you see it! Everybody is different. Tell your man what you want but have the patients to work at it. Nothing happens overnight! Be fair, equal, and respectful. This means as a unit you AND him pay bills, raise the children, and make life decisions. Most important women, as much respect as you demand should be given. Men, we must listen to our women more, and not just hear them! We need to realize we cannot control anything completely but ourselves. Pick and choose your battles. Not physically but mentally. Be calm and rational. Admit when your wrong, but don't keep making the same mistakes. Make a conscious assessment of your faults and short comings. Work on your weaknesses. Find truth in your heart. Have faith in yourself and your abilities. Strive everyday to improve!
Nobody is perfect, so don't be afraid to teach the youth around you. Teach them from your experiences, good and bad. If men and women do this and other positive things, there will be an abundance of GOOD MEN!!